... Antigua's REVUE magazine published articles, by Jack Houston, about the project of the Alameda gardens in January 2009 and October 2006. 
There were earlier stories by Jane Binaris, please click here to read them



Project of the Alameda gardens - home page

Members of the Project

Project of the "gardening of the Alameda Santa Lucia".  Read Prensa Libre April 2006 and the January 2009 and October 2006 REVUE magazine articles.  You can help with the maintenance of the gardens in the Alameda!  In 2007-9, we've opened 38 new gardens in the street, in places which never had trees before.  In total, we planted 73 new trees and repaired 27 damaged gardens.  Call us at 7832-8466.
¡Usted puede ayudarnos con mantenimiento de los jardínes en la Alameda!  En 2007-9, hemos abierto 38 jard
ínes nuevos en la calle, en sitios que nunca tenían árboles antes.  En total, hemos sembrado 73 árboles nuevos y hemos reparado 27 de los jardínes dañados. Llamenos 7832-8466.

November 2009:  We have handed the project over to the Town Hall for maintenance from now on.  It has grown too big for us.  Many thanks to all Members who donated money.  Antigua's Mayor, Dr. Adolfo Vivar agreed to use the town water truck to water the gardens three times a week. 
Click to see photos and the list of donors for the project!
Noviembre de 2009: Hemos transferido el proyecto a la Municipalidad para mantenimiento en el futuro.  Ha crecido muy grande para nosotros. Muchas gracias a todos los Miembros para sus donaciones. El Alcalde de Antigua, Dr. Adolfo Vivar se comprometió a regar los jardines con el camión cisterna municipal, tres veces por semana. ¡Haga clic para ver las fotos y la lista de donantes del proyecto!
REVUE, January 2009

 REVUE, October 2006
To buy the Gift of a Garden, please call 7832-8466 or 5916-5331.  Thank you.
To buy the Gift of a Garden, please call 7832-8466 or 5916-5331.  Thank you.
These REVUE articles were written by their reporter Jack Houston

Read the PRENSA LIBRE April 2006 Article about the project

Read the earlier REVUE articles about the Alameda Gardens by Jane Binaris

Project of the Alameda gardens - home page

This page was last updated on 02/21/19.  

Contact:  Tomas & Barbara Cernikovsky